week 8 disc 4 writing homework help

January 12, 2021

week 8 disc 4 writing homework help

Please do a paragraph about this post with this instruction .

post most have 4 or more sentences .

you also have to have a high quality post from a content perspective. This means it also needs to do more than agree with or praise a class mate. If you agree with a classmate, explain why, give an example, share what you learned in the readings, ask questions of each other, etc

An independent variable is a variable that is changed or controlled in an experiment (Helmenstine, 2017). Within the author’s EBP project, the independent variable is bedside shift report. Bedside shift report is one controlled variable within the experiment. Having all medical/surgical patients and not interviewing ICU or ER patients kept the location of the patients in one department, also controlled. The dependent variable is what is being measured in the experiment (Helmenstine, 2017). The measureable data in the author’s experiment was nurse and patient satisfaction.

Bedside shift report causes a change in patient and nurse satisfaction and it isn’t possible that the patient and nurse satisfaction could cause a change in bedside shift report.

It is understood that patients control many factors of their care and could typically refuse bedside shift report if they want to. As resulted in the author’s experiment/research, it is evidence based that bedside shift report provided patients and nurses with satisfaction. Patients and nurses seemed to enjoy and appreciate having patient involvement in their plan of care. Whenever conducting an experiment an independent variable needs a dependent variable, they go hand in hand.

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