Which of the following is NOT a step in the storytelling technique?

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August 7, 2021
Statistics Project, Part 4: Correlation
August 7, 2021

Which of the following is NOT a step in the storytelling technique?

1. Role-playing is an effective counseling intervention for children and adolescents and encourages numerous skills. Benefits of role playing as an expressive technique include,

2. Music is used as a therapeutic device for children and adolescents and facilitates _______, reduces _______, and helps children communicate their _______.

3. Art therapy techniques are particularly appropriate for use with children who

4. The following technique is used to treat a client who worries excessively.

5. Which of the following is NOT a step in the storytelling technique?

6. Games can be helpful and appropriate interventions for children with which of the following problems?

7. Which of the following counseling topics can benefit from the use of bibliotherapy?

8. Reframing is an example of a music expressive technique.

9. Which of the following is NOT an example of an art therapy technique?

10. Which of these is NOT a multicultural expressive technique?

11. When a child is using a metaphor in a play therapy session, the counselor should

12. The goal of play therapy is to

13. Limiting is done to

14. Which of the following skills is NOT a basic play therapy skill?

15. Adlerian Play Therapy progresses through ______________ phases.

16. Child-centered play therapists work primarily through

17. Theraplay is modeled after unhealthy interactions between parents and their children.

18. Cognitive-Behavioral Play Therapy is

19. Theraplay is a _______________ model of play therapy.

20. Which of the following questions should therapists ask themselves before engaging in play therapy with children?

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