Why might a writer feel compelled to write about literature?

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June 7, 2021

Why might a writer feel compelled to write about literature?

Reflect: As we explored in the “Why Read Literature?” discussion, literature can provide us with a multitude of perspectives, ideas, and experiences. Additionally, there is a long tradition of critical reading and writing about literature (i.e., analyzing literature to seek a deeper understanding about various interests and concerns). Chapter 2 focuses on these ideas. Consider why people write and how that writing may benefit us.

Write: Your initial post should be at least 200 words in length. The minimum word count does not include references. In your post, answer the following questions:

  • Why might a writer feel compelled to write about literature? How does it benefit us personally and/or professionally?
  • What kind of writing and thinking skills do you hope that you will develop in this course based on the description of writing about literature in Sections 1.1, 2.1, and 2.3 of the text?
  • Use Chapter 2 file that is attached.
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