Why was the United States unable to avoid entering a Cold War with the Soviet Union homework help

January 12, 2021

Why was the United States unable to avoid entering a Cold War with the Soviet Union homework help

STUDENT 1 (tony):

Q: Why was the United States unable to avoid entering a Cold War with the Soviet Union?

A: Another war began to veer its ugly head when World War II came to its conclusion. This war was referred to as the Cold War and it endured from 1945-1991. In spite of the fact that it was marked as the “Cold War,” no genuine battles were ever fought. The Cold War was a clash between the United States and the USSR, who had been partners at the time of World War II on the Alliance powers. In any case, the USSR disdained the United States, incompletely because of their delayed entry into the war which the USSR assumed brought about the fatality of a large number of Russians. Americans had for some time been careful about Soviet socialism and worried about Russian pioneer Joseph Stalin’s oppressive, savage run of his own nation (United States History, 2017).

A number of issues prompted to enormous doubt and disdain as the World War had arrived at the concluding phase in the interest of the Soviet Union. The United States did not rely on Joseph Stalin and his overbearing methods of running his own nation. After the war Soviet colonialism in Eastern Europe the move drove many Americans’ feelings of dread of a Russian strategy to dictate the world. The United States worked on a technique they referred to as containment. This shockingly prompted to what was personally called the weapons contest. The United States undermined to develop their atomic weapons store with bombs significantly more effective than what finished World War II. Stalin and the USSR continued to take after suite. The Cold War even extended into Space. It was not till the time Neil Armstrong strolled on the Moon that America won that phase of the cold war (United States History, 2017).

After Presidents Reagan and Nixon joined office the cold war started to fade away. With the marking of the Strategic Arms Limitation Treaty to hostile to socialist governments, the Soviet Union started to crumble. Eventually, with the fall of the Berlin Wall, the Cold War finally concluded.


United States History. (n.d.). Retrieved May 30, 2017, from http://www.u-s-history.com/pages/h1881.html

STUDENT 2 (robert):

Q: What was the relationship between consumer culture and the emphasis on family life in the postwar era?

A: In the postwar era, there was a significant emphasis on family life in the consumer culture. “Riding a wave of rising incomes, American dominance in the global economy, and Cold War federal spending, the post-war middle class enjoyed the highest standard of living in the world” (Henretta, p. 760). Thanks in part to the Veterans Affairs’ GI Bill-funded housing boom, millions of new houses were built in the decades after the war. Each one requiring a set of new appliances, the suburban American family quickly became the number one consumer of domestic goods. The housing boom arguably contributed to the significant increase in US birth rates after World War II, which gave rise to the generation known as the “baby boomers”. The baby boomers became the source for which advertisers targeted the middle-class housewife with a plethora of baby products. The popularity of the TV grew from only 7,000 in homes across the nation to over 7.3 million in roughly three years, from 1947 to 1950 (Henretta, p.768). This new media, whose number one income was from advertising, allowed advertisers to target more effectively the number one consumer and served to propagate the growing consumer culture of the Anglo-Saxon nuclear families of white suburbia. The overwhelming market for home appliances and automobiles “drove the postwar American economy as much, or more so, than the military-industrial complex did” (Henretta, p.767). It became ones “social responsibility” to become an American consumer in order to complete the economic cycle and maintain and grow American employment and standard of living for the whole nation (Henretta, p.759). Buying a General Electric appliance meant you were helping your neighbor, a General Electric employee, keep his job.


Works Cited:

Henretta, James A. (2016). America: A Concise History, Volume 2, 6th Edition. Bedford/St. Martin’s. VitalBook file.

STUDENT 3 (hill):

Q: What is the significance of the Brown v. Board of Education of Topeka decision?

A: As part of the ‘Jim Crow” laws in the case of Plessy vs Ferguson the Supreme Court ruled that segregation was legal as long as minorities had separate but equal accommodations. This segregation applied to all public facilities. These separate accommodations were anything but equal. Specifically in black schools, many school districts ignored the Plessy equal requirement. The students and faculty experienced next to no funding and second rate supplies.

During the mid 1930s the National Association for the Advancement of Colored People or the NAACP fought tirelessly to right theses wrongs and provide the black communities with quality schools. The NAACP was rather successful and as a result several school districts improved the black student’s schools. In 1950 the NAACP asked a group of African American parents to try to enroll their children into all white schools. Oliver Brown did just that with his daughter Linda. As expected they were denied enrolment, and the NAACP used this along with 12 other families that were denied to file a lawsuit of the family’s behalf.

The case of Brown vs The Board of Education in 1954 was arguably the most important event that happened in the fight against racial segregation. At the time of the trial one third of states segregated schools. On May 17 1954, the United States Supreme Court came to its decision. The court unanimously decided that segregated schools were unconstitutional. This case launched the modern civil rights movement. It inspired education reform throughout the country and provided minority’s legal means to battle segregation. The Brown vs The Board of Education case virtually ended legal segregation. Desegregation did not go unopposed. Protestors bared schools not allowing blacks to enter, intimidation and violence where renewed tactics to deter integration. Finally Eisenhower was forced to apply federal aid to enforce the new after Arkansas governor call the national guard to prevent black students from enrolling in the school.

Through the trials and tribulations, the long hard fought battle was a triumphant one. The events laid the foundation for the desegregated schools we all benefit from today. Though the fight didn’t end with the end of the Brown case, it did paved the way for civil rights movements and nudged the country in the right direction.

“Brown v. Board of Education.” Civilrights.org. N.p., 2017. Web. 30 May 2017.

“Brown v. Board of Education.” History.com. N.p., n.d. Web. 30 May 2017.


Edwards, Rebecca, Robert O. Self, and Eric Hinderaker. “27.” America: A Concise History. By James A. Henretta. 6th ed. Vol. 2. N.p.: n.p., 2015. 798-99. Print.

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