critical thinking and problem solving 1339717 2
September 12, 2021
by "rule of thumb," or simple habit and common sense, and instead use the scientific method to study work and determine the most efficient way to perform specific tasks
September 12, 2021

work solutions only 1

This exercise is going to have you apply your understanding of the content of Module 2 to contemporary Texas politics. You will relate knowledge you have acquired about the Texas Constitution (chapter 2), Campaigns and Elections (chapter 5), the Criminal Justice System (chapter 12) and Fiscal Policy (chapter 13). Be sure you have looked over the assigned readings before you prepare your response to this free write.
Our second writing assignment takes on the challenging but important topic of criminal justice reform in Texas. I want you to explore different websites and links in order to prepare your thoughts about this topic. We can use our knowledge of 
citizenship and stewardship to understand the nature of the controversies and the basis of conflicts in the politics of criminal justice reform. In order to contextualize where criminal justice reform fits into the concepts of citizenship and stewardship, go to 
Criminal justice system must face its own racial biases. Under our constitutional form of government, unequal treatment under the law is not to occur. Recent events in Texas and elsewhere have shown us that we are not all treated equally by law enforcement, courts, or correctional institutions. Even President Obama has weighed in on the issue of mass incarceration of low-level offenders. Liberals and conservatives alike are now calling on government at all levels to review and reform the system. The 2016 presidential election has increased the stakes (
How 2016 Race Could Boost Criminal Justice Reform).
As it turns out, the Texas model of criminal justice reform is influencing other states. For background, read 
What Texas Is Teaching the Country About Mass Incarceration.
The concepts of 
citizenship and stewardship introduce us to the ways in which we connect public policies to the ideals of our constitutional form of government. The social contract that binds us to our government is contingent on government legitimately discharging its responsibilities. In this way, we are more likely to have confidence in government’s authority. We are more likely to believe we are being treated fairly.
Prompts: You will organize your free write response by incorporating the following information (this is required and be sure to make specific references to the sources that influence your position).
1) Describe what you believe are the most significant issues facing the Texas criminal justice system today.
2) Do you support the kinds of reforms Texas has implemented in the criminal justice system? Why or why not.
3) Would you vote for candidates who campaign for criminal justice reform? What would you expect them to say?
4) What have you learned by doing this assignment?
i need 500 words 

Week 2: The Great Squeeze

For our second week we will lay out another layer of thoughts on the issue of college affordability in Texas. I have added a link to an article that discusses higher education changes in Texas that go into effect on September 1, 2015 and that impact middle class Texans. I’d like you to share your thoughts about these changes and to reflect on what you might do to let the state government know how you feel about them. Again, this information will give us all a reference for how the whole class perceives the issue. From there we can work toward our “fix.” That work comes in the weeks ahead.


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