Writer Elena Ferrante s letter on her choice to use a pseudonym English homework help

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March 13, 2023
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March 13, 2023

Writer Elena Ferrante s letter on her choice to use a pseudonym English homework help

For reading response four, please read the following articles in the order provided. They all pertain to Elena Ferrante, an Italian writer who has chosen to publish under a pseudonym.

1. Writer Elena Ferrante’s letter on her choice to use a pseudonym (Links to an external site.).

2. The attachment.

3. This article (Links to an external site.) that puts forth an idea as to her true identity.

Please write a 1.5-2 page response to the material. In your response, you should practice working with the words of others. That means, you must quote either Ferrante or the author of the third article at least three times. Please use the “They Say, I Say” reading due for Wednesday’s class on “The Art of Quoting,” to practice different ways of incorporating the quotations. Writing in the first person is acceptable in this assignment.

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