american political tought
May 8, 2021
Lesson planing and charts
May 8, 2021

Zoe Leonard

ARTIST WORKING ON IS : ZOE LEONARD: talk about TWO art works!

This is a research project. You are required to write an annotated bibliography, an introduction to a paper you would write with this research, and a conclusive final paragraph. In total, this is a 6-paragraph, 2-3 page research assignment.


Introduction, annotated bibliography, and conclusion

Step 1:

Select a method of analysis from the list that relates to your artist and artwork:

-Cultural Studies, identity politics, postcolonial theory

Step 2:

State a guiding question/thesis statement:
(For example: If working from a feminist perspective, ―Does the choice or treatment of subject matter relate to this artist’s life, and her experiences as a woman?‖)

*****Use D’Alleva’s text to help you construct a guiding question—there are questions throughout the text that could be models for your own question.

Step 3:

Select 4 sources (1 from each of the following places) that will help you analyze your artwork:
-One of the assigned readings from the course


-Periodical or Database Article (JSTOR, Art Index, Art Bibliographies Modern, or any scholarly database located through the UMD library web site.)

-Web site (do not use .com websites; only .edu, .gov, or .org)

Step 4:
Annotated bibliography
Write 4 individual and concise paragraphs — one on each source. Each paragraph will include the bibliographic reference in MLA style and then will describe how the source helped you answer your guiding question. The purpose of the annotation is to inform the reader of the relevance, accuracy, and quality of the sources cited.

Step 5:

Write an introduction that explains your subject (the artist and their work), the method you chose to analyze the work, and the guiding question.

Step 6:

Write a conclusion that connects all the selected readings you presented and explains how those sources answered your guiding thematic question.

Therefore, your 6-paragraphs should look like this:

Paragraph 1: introduction
Paragraph 2: explanation on how the readings, helped you to formulate and answer your guiding question. What kind of questions emerged from the reading and how did these readings support or otherwise connect to each other? Paragraph 3: review of the book selection(s)
Paragraph 4: review of the periodical or database selection(s)
Paragraph 5: review of the website selection(s)
Paragraph 6: Conclusion



The goal of this assignment is to learn how to present effectively in front of an audience.

Tips on an Effective PowerPoint Presentation:

1. Start by analyzing your artist’s work

1. Discuss your guiding question and what method you chose to analyze the work

2. Lead us through your analysis, focusing on the method of analysis you chose. However, it may be helpful to discuss any of the following that are applicable to your work of art for a more thorough analysis:

    1. subject matter
    2. formal elements
    3. symbolism
    4. art historical sources
    5. relationship to contemporaneous works of art
    6. artist’s intentions
  1. Discuss the sources you found that helped you understand the work
  2. Briefly discuss the main focus of each source
  3. Discuss in more detail the two best sources you read and how they helped you understand the work of art
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