Answer the following question the topic is tennis answer the question around 3 page is Tennis

January 12, 2021

Answer the following question the topic is tennis answer the question around 3 page is Tennis

The current conditions of that activity

(is there a professional competition/events, popularity of the activity, any serious leisure group, any events at the amateur level? Any programs for kids? What’s a typical professional’s life like?)

Is there any benefits associated with this leisure activity? Or it’s more harmful to health?

Any advancement from technology that help shape the way of that leisure activity? How technology influence the experience of the professionals, amateurs, and audience?

The economic impact of that leisure activity industry, expense for participation in this activity?

Any environmental concerns?

Any particular (important, or interesting) policies or regulations regarding this activity?

Any possible constraints that limit people from further participation? If so, what can be done to encourage more participation?

Any provision of that leisure activity facilities/services on campus, or in your community? Your personal participation of this activity

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