Discussion Board examining how you are affected by your sensations perceptions and different states of consciousness psychology homework help

January 12, 2021

Discussion Board examining how you are affected by your sensations perceptions and different states of consciousness psychology homework help

In this unit, you are examining how you are affected by your sensations, perceptions, and different states of consciousness. Though appearing as separate processes, these three concepts are experienced in a fluid, continuous experience. By breaking them down a little and examining them further, you can gain more understanding of human thinking and behavior.

  • Identify which of your senses is the most important to you and why.
  • If you had to give one up, which one would you let go of and why?
  • Describe some things that influence the way you perceive the world around you.
  • When it comes to your different states of consciousness, discuss the senses you feel pose a barrier to things you want to accomplish in your life. Describe how you can work to overcome them based on what you learned in this chapter.
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