Hospital Healthcare administrator daily activities table health and medicine homework help

January 12, 2021

Hospital Healthcare administrator daily activities table health and medicine homework help

Option #2: Daily Activities – Table

Part of the ethical and fiscal responsibility of a healthcare organization (HCA) is to be a good steward of resources, but HCAs may not connect their daily operations to this responsibility. Choose a specific type of healthcare organization for this assignment, such as a hospital, mental/behavioral health facility, long-term care, or surgery center. Generate a list of a healthcare administrator’s daily activities that could be considered part of this obligation. For example, waste management can be seen as just a business practice, but it has a larger impact. Provide examples and discuss ways that can improve administrators’ level of social responsibility in their daily operations. Consider real or potential ethical issues that may impact some of these daily activities as you write this list.

Your table should contain headings for daily activities, examples, ways that administrators can improve, and another heading for real or potential ethical issues. Any references must be formatted per CSU-Global specifications for APA Style. Support your analysis by referencing and citing at least three credible sources other than the course textbook, readings and lectures.

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