Literature  The moment, the feeling, the punch. Only for Quality!
May 17, 2023
Literature  Discussion Forum 2
May 17, 2023

Literature  Literary Analysis

Write an interesting, engaging and academically relevant essay in which you compare/contrast The Scarlet Letter to one selected short story by Nathaniel Hawthorne on the syllabus: “Young Goodman Brown” “The Minister’s Black Veil” “The Birthmark” “Rappaccini’s Daughter” The main goal of your comparison paper will be to show how the novel is an expansion of an idea or ideas presented in one of these short stories written prior to the novel. Additionally, you will discuss similarities and/or differences between the novel and the selected short story. You may also wish to include portions of the introduction to the novel {“The Custom House”} in your analysis. As in all other papers for this course, your paper should be a “literary” analysis.

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