microsoft visio if u know visio plz send hand shake

Critical Reading and Researching Main Ideas
January 14, 2021
marketing help 5
January 14, 2021

microsoft visio if u know visio plz send hand shake

source: Microsoft® Visio® (available on the Personal Student Desktop)

Identify five different IT systems that have affected business in the past few years (i.e., business software applications, networks, hardware, internet-based technologies, databases). For each system, briefly note the following:


  • A name for the system
  • The area of business it affects
  • What challenges the system brought to the business world
  • What business processes changed because of the system
  • Likely future effect of the system


Create a diagram using Visio® that lists the five different IT systems you identified. In your Visio® document, use a rectangle to diagram the name of each system and the area of business it affects. Use a triangle to indicate the challenges and business processes changes. Use a rounded square to list likely future effects of the system.


Recommended.  SkillSoft: “Getting Started with Visio 2010” ID: mo_bvis_a01_dt_enus

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