re348 final essay Freud argues that religious ideas are illusions writing homework help

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re348 final essay Freud argues that religious ideas are illusions writing homework help

please look through the course note and use the materials inside. Here are the essay topics

Answer only ONE of the following:

1. Freud argues that religious ideas are illusions, that is,

fulfillments of infantile wishes. Do you agree with him? Why or why not?

(Hint: do not get caught up in the details of his argument presented in

the reading Future of an Illusion. Just briefly show that you

understand what he means when he calls religious ideas illusions and

then devout the bulk of your essay to supporting and developing your

reasons for agreeing or disagreeing with him).

2. What might Klein think about the film “Jesus Camp?”

3. Using material from Lesson 5 (and Jones’ chapter 4), what might Jones

say about the idealization depicted in the film “Jesus Camp”?

4. Analyze some personal involvement you’ve had (or someone you know has

had) with religion and determine whether how they participated in the

religion (NOT the religion itself) would be considered healthy or

unhealthy (or some combination of both) using the ideas of at least one

of the following:

o Freud’s notion of religious ideas as “illusions.”

o Jones’ criteria, from the perspective of self psychology, for

determining healthy and unhealthy religious participation found in

Lesson 2.

o Jones’ criteria, from the perspective of self psychology, for

determining unhealthy and mature religious idealization found in Lesson


o Fairbairn’s notion of the “moral defense”

o Any of Klein’s ideas: the paranoid-schizoid position, the depressive position, projective identification

o Any of the major ideas Shaw presents in either or both of his essays that you read

o Winnicott’s ideas as they were related to religion presented in Lesson 7.

o Epstein’s notion of surrender

o Ghent’s thoughts about submission and surrender

o Jung’s ideas as they relate to religion

o Hillman’s ideas as they relate to religion

4 pages, MLA, one source

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