Role of religion in governments of Byzantine Empire and Former Western Roman Empire writing homework help

January 12, 2021

Role of religion in governments of Byzantine Empire and Former Western Roman Empire writing homework help

Compare the role that religion played in the governments of the Byzantine Empire and the former Western Roman Empire (after it was Christianized). (Think about who was in charge, what the Christian religion played in the governments of each, how did they create laws, how did they enforce them, etc?)

Briefly explain what Procopius had to say about the plague. How many people did it effect, where did he think it came from, how long did it last, and why did he think it happened? (Remember, I am only looking for what Procopius said here. Not what we know about the plague today. Be sure to use quotes from the reading to support your answer.)

Choose either the iconoclast or iconophile position. In your own words, define what that position stood for and briefly explain to me why you would have supported it if you lived in the Byzantine Empire at this time.…………

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