I need to review to critics and give my opinions.
February 26, 2021
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February 26, 2021

art appreciation essay

Hello Guys, as you all know it is finals week and I really need help in order to pass my art appreciation class. This asignment required me to go to an art museum and choose my favorite and write about it. I already went to the art museum and took pictures so all I need is for someone to write the report. I will upload the pictures and I just need the essay. Below are the instructions

After touring the museum, choose a favorite collection from what you have seen. Take notes about the work you choose from your favorite collection. These notes should include the details listed below. Write an essay about this painting . Send your finished essay to you instructor on College Outlook Email. Report on paintings ( Watercolor, Oil, Acrylic, Ink and Mixed Media only). Write a well-constructed critique paper between 350-500 words. (No lists or bullets) that is concise. References and notations are not included in the word count, only your original report. Include an image of the work. The report should cover the following points which will be for grading:

1. Title of work

2. Artists name

3. Medium

4. The style of the work

5. Background and Context of the work

6. Support (on what is it painted?

7. Size of work

8. What elements of art are used (see them listed in your book in the table of contents)

9. Name the main Element of Art and describe how it I used.

10. What Principles of Design are used

Below are the images from the art museum that I took. All you have to do is use the instructions above to write the short essay. I already chose my favorite artwork and below has the collection name and all you need to know about it.

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