I need to review to critics and give my opinions.

History quiz and forum
February 26, 2021
art appreciation essay
February 26, 2021

I need to review to critics and give my opinions.

You will post on the reaction you had about the two reviews that you read. You will be critiquing the critics.
I will attach the two reviews

So what are some guidelines? Start by offering ideas of what you think is the role of a critic. Is it where to spend your money? What to see? Do you let them tell you what is good or bad? Are critics telling you about all the symbolism you missed, or how the piece is genius but only experts will get it, or how derivative this work is when compared to Russian-Absurdist-Dadaist-Postmodern trends? Do you understand what the critic is trying to say? Let me know what you think critics are for, and then tell me what you thought of the two Greenday reviews you read. After you have told me what you thought of the reviews, you will then tell me WHY you have that opinion of the reviews. You will support your thesis statement with an objective view of your point of view. You will observe, analyze and then comment on a review, then do the same thing to yourself.

You will be graded on your ability to state your point of view – and then back that point of view up. This is not the defense of your doctoral dissertation, but you need to start figuring out why things may (or may not) appeal to you. You will also be evaluated on your understanding of the tasks of critics, and how well those tasks were completed.

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