Measuring the Quality of Health Care assignment help

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Measuring the Quality of Health Care assignment help

Take on the role of a manager in a public health system, speaking to the public on the topic of ensuring high quality health care in a particular community. Identify a particular community with which you are familiar, and use the Web sites in the first unit to research the health care situation in that community.

  • Identify a health care issue in your chosen community.
  • Share the information on how you identified the issue.
  • Describe how those issues might be addressed by enhancing the quality of health care.

The health care issue I chose for my community is pertaining to STD’s/ Teen Pregnancy in Edgecombe County located in the eastern part of North Carolina.

This is a discussion question with a minimum of 250 words and approximately three paragraphs. The link below will give you some insight and also scholarly references and in APA format.

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