Final Project: Portfolio of Communication (10–15 pages)
This Final Project is a portfolio consisting of the communication skills that you learned throughout this course. As a criminal justice professional, you will likely encounter situations where you need to engage in effective communication and this portfolio will act as a guide and future reference source to succeed in those situations.
Portfolio of Communication Samples
Your portfolio will include the following items from the course:
Final Project: Portfolio of Communication (10–15 pages)
This Final Project is a portfolio consisting of the communication skills that you learned throughout this course. As a criminal justice professional, you will likely encounter situations where you need to engage in effective communication and this portfolio will act as a guide and future reference source to succeed in those situations.
Portfolio of Communication Samples
Your portfolio will include the following items from the course:
Follow APA format and style.
Important Note: Use the Week 11 Project Part 1 Turnitin link below to submit all other components of the Portfolio in one Word document. This document should include Portfolio overview, video narrative from Week 2 and the Assignments from Week 7 through 9. Please be sure to attach all documents and media files prior to clicking Submit. |
TEN to FIFTEEN pages with at least TEN references no old than five years….
It is important that you cover all the topics identified in the assignment. Covering the topic does not mean mentioning the topic BUT presenting an explanation from the readings.
To get maximum points you need to follow the requirements listed for this assignments 1) look at the page limits 2) review and follow APA rules 3) create SUBHEADINGS to identify the key sections you are presenting and 4) Free from typographical and sentence construction errors.
The Assignment
Record a 2–3 minute video of you conveying a policy message to the public
To submit your completed Media Assignment(s), do the following:
“I am glad you turned this in despite being ill. You included quite a bit of information; much of which I didn’t think was entirely necessary. Remember, in providing a PSA to the community, your information should be relevant and relatable for community members. Again, while I thought the information was valuable, I felt you went very fast. I would have liked to hear a true introduction and conclusion. Please take this feedback into account as you work on Week 3’s assignment.”
Criminal activities in the US have been limiting the successful development within communities and businesses. This is because most offenses committed towards people are having a significant negative impact on the daily proceedings within these communities. Drug abuse, for instance, is one of the major criminal activities practiced in the US known to limit the potential of most individuals. Therefore it is important to educate communities on criminal justice policies that ensure criminal activities do not limit the growth and development of communities. This paper reviews the drug policy and how it benefits communities.
Drug Policy
To curb drug-related activities, the US justice system has designed a drug policy that covers all issues related to drugs. There has been an increase in boarder security to discourage drug trade so as to limit drugs within the state. Secondly, test measures have been established to be employed in schools and work organization to test drug traces among members in these institutions (Babor, 2010). This is essential in discouraging the extensive use and substance abuse across the nation. However, even with the available drug policy, there are still some deviant individuals that continue to practice substance abuse. Therefore educating communities is an effective approach to reducing the drug-related offenses.
In addition, some of the privileges given to drug offenders have been limited by the justice system. Drug rights given to the criminals have been stripped per the drug policy in the US. The main aim of the policy was to reduce problems resulting from violence, poverty and other offenses that were influenced by illegal drugs in the markets (Kleiman, Caulkins, and Hawken, 2011). Moreover with the drug policy communities can be able to develop to greater levels and students in schools can be able to attain their educational goals and lastly more opportunities in the business environment can be increased.
Education on Drug Policy
The main aim of this paper is to educate people on the drug policy and its benefit to society. Therefore what one hopes to achieve by sharing an insight to the drug policy is teaching the people on the drugs. Moreover enlightening the community is also another objective that is attainable by educating them on drug policy. In the end, those with a little knowledge of the existence of drug policy will be able to share with others. As a result, a significant portion of the population will have a knowledge of the drug policy in the justice system as well as understand how it operates and what it seeks to accomplish within his society.
Benefits of Drug Policy
The presence of drugs in the markets increases the number of addicts within societies and thus reducing the numbers of skilled individuals who can contribute to developments in the community (Mears, 2010). In the event that the drugs are limited, and many addicts are also limited means that the communities will have a significant number of willing people to work towards development. Therefore the drug policy which seeks to create more opportunities for development in communities, increase education opportunities as well as eliminate criminal activities in society can be beneficial within the community (Great Britain and Great Britain, 2012). This is because the policy will ensure that people are aware of its existence, they will be educated, and lastly it will make sure that securities on related offenses are increased. Communities will thus be able to say that they are safe from criminal offenses that are influenced by drug abuse.
Babor, T. (2010). Drug Policy and The Public Good. Oxford: Oxford University Press.
Great Britain., and Great Britain. (2012). Drugs: Breaking The Cycle: Ninth Report of Session 2012-13. London: Stationery Office.
Kleiman, M., Caulkins, J. P., and Hawken, A. (2011). Drugs and Drug Policy: What EveryoneNeeds to Know. New York: Oxford University Press.
Mears, D. P. (2010). American Criminal Justice Policy: An Evaluation Approach to Increasing Accountability and Effectiveness. New York: Cambridge University Press.
How are questions constructed?
How should they be sequenced?
How should questions be phrased?
Should open-ended questions be used?
What is active listening?
Is paraphrasing beneficial?
What if there are distractions in the interview location?
When a law enforcement agent interviews a suspect about a crime that has occurred, one effective interview technique is to build rapport with the suspect by asking relatively benign questions. After “befriending” the suspect, the agent then confronts the suspect head-on about the crime or, in some cases, the suspect may confess his or her guilt. Had the law enforcement agent not used effective interview techniques, the confession may never have occurred.
There are multiple interviewing techniques, just like this one, that can and should be used in order to gather as much accurate information as possible.
For this assignment, review the three video interviews comparing strengths and limitations of interviewer and interviewee skills in this week’s Learning Resources. Consider how interviewing techniques could be used to interview a person you might be interested in interviewing. Create a list of questions and conduct an interview with a family member or a friend. Take notes on the responses given by the interviewee. Do not submit the interviewee’s responses. You must, however, analyze the responses in order to complete the assignment.
The Assignment (1–2 pages)
“I think you have a good start. However, I was looking for interview questions and your critique. I think you were headed in the right direction, just overlooked this part of the assignment?”
The justice system has a number of components that each has a separate significant role towards the society. The components of the system include prosecutors, the court, law enforcement, corrections and defense attorneys. Today the justice system is using victims of crimes to help solve cases in courts by listening o their statements and determining the impact of a crime on the victims. Each of the systems components has a role towards a victim especially when the said victim is used as a witness in court. This paper looks at a victim transcript where three of justice system branches namely law enforcement, court, and corrections has had to interact with a victim and measure the level of effectiveness in the interactions.
Law Enforcement and Victim
Interactions between law enforcement and victims aim at attaining adequate evidence form a victim’s statement by requesting the victim to give an account of the happenings (In Hucklesby and In Wahidin, 2013). For this interaction to be considered effective, the victim is expected to provide valid and reliable information and not wrong information that can lead to unfavorable consequences on the victim. The victim transcript is the case about a man named Jim.He is the victim of a robbery, and once the law enforcement officers get a chance to investigate what happened, they will direct him on how to respond to them by ensuring that they are clear on how it would result to the victim in case he gives false information. Therefore the interactions between the law enforcement and the victim were clear and compelling as the victim followed the orders of the law and gave precise information as he could remember.
Court and Victim
The court holds all the proceedings of a case against an offender and also are used to listen to witness stamen so as to decide whether a criminal is guilty or innocent. Interactions in a court are valid if the required information presented to a court is evidence enough to convict a criminal or set him free. However, if a case is left unsolved due to unreliable information or irrelevant data on a case, then interactions are said to be ineffective. According to the case of the offender where Jim is a victim and a witness at court the judge listens to all the statements presented to him and decide to sentence the offender to four years in prison. Therefore this means that the judge had been attentive to all evidence presented to him and conceited the offender fairly thus making all interactions within the court effective.
Corrections and Victim
Corrections follow after a judge has convicted an offender for a crime committed against society. These corrections include the officers in prisons and other correction systems that supervise criminals once they are convicted. Moreover, this correction system ensures that inmates serve the time they are given within the prisons and are only let to go back to society after they have completed their term. Jim’s case after a period of two years the offender convicted for four years is set free and is back in the same community. This interaction between the correction system and the victim is ineffective especially since the victim Jim is not even notified of the fact that the criminal is free again after only two years.
Victim Programs
Victims like all other individuals in communities have a right to voice their interpersonal considerations and thoughts concerned the work of justice system. They have a right to information on the happenings of a case involving them. They also deserve to receive protection as witnesses against criminals to avoid being attacked as a form of pay for causing a criminal to be locked up in prison (Hoven, Feiler, Scheibel, & Kreß, 2013). Protection programs should thus be made available to witnesses to protect them as well as a bill of rights that allow for them to speak in courts to voice their opinions should be established so as to increase effective interactions between them and the justice system.
Hoven, E., Feiler, M., Scheibel, S., & Kreß, C. (2013). Victims in Trials of Mass Crimes: A Multi-Perspective Study of Civil Party Participation at the Extraordinary Chambers in the Courts of Cambodia. Norderstedt: Books on Demand. Retrieved on 12/10/2016.
In Hucklesby, A., & In Wahidin, A. (2013). Criminal justice.
The Assignment (2–3 pages)
“Well done overall. The references you provided appeared relevant. I also like how you thoroughly introduced the topic before discussing the bibliography. Remember, even government websites need proper formatting. Retrieved from dates are unnecessary.”
Description of the selected topic
The criminal justice topic that I chose to focus on is domestic violence. Domestic violence can be defined as an abusive behavior in a relationship and one that occurs repetitively ( Domestic violence often occurs so that the person inflicting the pain or the harm can feel that they are more superior to his or her partner. It is usually a way of ensuring that one maintains power over the other person (Nikolic-Ristanovic, 2012). Domestic violence usually takes various forms which include: –
I.Physical abuse which involves hitting a person or grabbing a person harshly among other physical assaults.
II.Sexual assault where one partner is coerced to engage in sexual activity against their will. Emotional abuse which makes one’s partner feel worthless and lowering their self-esteem.
III.Economic abuse where one partner assumes control over all sources of finance and denies his or her partner and the partner can only access the funds when he or she feels like making it happen (
IV.The psychological harm which includes giving threats to one’s partner or the children such as threats to kill them.
Summary of the resources selected
To obtain information on domestic violence such as how it occurs and the statistic that is there concerning the topic, there are various resources that I have selected that will act as my source of information. One of these resources is the websites for the organizations that deal with domestic violence issues. Such groups contain actual information on domestic violence have occurred in a particular region and therefore I will get all the information that I need. These are the organizations where victims of domestic violence report their issues, and therefore the information here will be very reliable. An example of such a website is for the National Resource Center for Domestic Violence.
The second resource is a book by Nikolic- Ristanovic which also provides information on domestic violence and how one can know whether the situation they are in can qualify to be classified as domestic violence. The third resource will also be a book which provides information to physicians on how to gather information from victims of domestic violence in the right way (Salber and Taliaferro, 2015). The book describes the best questions that physicians can ask such victims so as not to cause any form of harm to them.
My fourth resource is the website resource for Virginia Department of Criminal Justice services. I will also use a book that describes the form of domestic violence that is rarely discussed, which is the violence against men (Cook, 2011). This is generally hidden, and people rarely mention when the issue of domestic violence comes up in any discussion. All the resources mentioned above will be appropriate sources of information since the information contained in them is relevant to the topic of criminal justice that I have selected.
Annotated Bibliography
1.Cook, P. W. (2011). Abused men: The hidden side of domestic violence. Westport, Conn: Praeger.
This book by Cook gives an insight on how men go through domestic violence and continue to suffer in silence for fear of being ridiculed by other members of the society and being seen as cowards. This book shows that the domestic violence on men is as serious as it is to women and children.
2.Nikolic-Ristanovic, V. (2012). Social Change, Gender, and Violence: Post-communist and war-affected societies. Dordrecht: Springer Netherlands.
This book by Nikolic-Ristanovic gives a description of the communities that are most affected by domestic violence and the primary causes of domestic violence in marriages and other types of relationships. The book also provides solutions to incidences of domestic violence and also how they can be avoided.
3.Salber, P. R., & Taliaferro, E. H. (2015). The physician’s guide to domestic violence: How to ask the right questions and recognize abuse– another way to save a life. Volcano, Calif: Volcano Press.
This is a book by Salber and Taliaferro that provides insight on how physicians should handle victims of domestic violence and the right language to use to them so as not to harm them. One can understand different shapes taken by domestic violence among other issues.
This is the official website of the National Resource Center for Domestic Violence. This website contains information that is factual and actual statistics on cases of domestic violence that happen in various regions.
This is the official website for the Virginia Department of Criminal Justice Services. This website also contains information on domestic services that the department deals with on a daily basis, and also in what parts of Virginia the cases happen more often.
Cook, P. W. (2011). Abused men: The hidden side of domestic violence. Westport, Conn: Praeger.
Nikolic-Ristanovic, V. (2012). Social Change, Gender and Violence: Post-communist and war affected societies. Dordrecht: Springer Netherlands.
Salber, P. R., & Taliaferro, E. H. (2015). The physician’s guide to domestic violence: How to ask the right questions and recognize abuse– another way to save a life. Volcano, Calif: Volcano Press. . Retrieved October 20, 2016. Retrieved October 20, 2016.
The sooner you record an incident, the less likely you are to accidentally omit something important. If your report is written well and accurate, it is easier for others to understand and use to make more informed judgments and decisions. Familiarizing yourself with the different types of reports that are used in the field of criminal justice makes writing an effective report less grueling. Mastering the five W’s and H (who, what, when, where, why and how), preferred sentence construction, and direct statements help to enhance accuracy and readability of your reports.
For this Assignment, review the different types of reports that are used by law enforcement and by probation and parole officers. Create your own report using a hypothetical example of a crime that was committed or that pertains to a probationer or parolee. Then, examine any challenges you encountered when completing the report. In addition, consider how this type of report may be used in your current role or in a role in criminal justice in which you might be interested in working in the future.
The Assignment: (1 page)
Submit your report along with the following: (1–2 pages)
FIRST one 1 page report selected THEN a 1-2 pages
Two and three pages with at least three references….
It is important that you cover all the topics identified in the assignment. Covering the topic does not mean mentioning the topic BUT presenting an explanation from the readings.
To get maximum points you need to follow the requirements listed for this assignments 1) look at the page limits 2) review and follow APA rules 3) create SUBHEADINGS to identify the key sections you are presenting and 4) Free from typographical and sentence construction errors.
“I thought your report was great. I would have liked to see more discussion as to the writing of the report and relevance.”
Source of Activity:
On Wednesday, May 26, 2016, my colleague Harrison and I were on patrol around the Manhattan location. At around 1030 hours Datch, a fellow officer at the station called to brief us on an ongoing robbery at Mary’s jeweler store, located at 130 Main Street.
At exactly 1040 hours we arrived at the scene where we came across the person reporting the incident Jensen Walker, a worker at the jeweler store. Jensen claimed that upon arrival at the place of work (130 Main Street) at 1020 hours he found the windows and the main door to the store broken.
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