What practice for building creativity would you like to try on your next healthcare team, and why?

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April 14, 2021
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April 14, 2021

What practice for building creativity would you like to try on your next healthcare team, and why?

What practice for building creativity would you like to try on your next healthcare team, and why?

Consider the practices that embed creativity in team culture (Table 10-1). Answer the following questions about a time when you served on a healthcare team

What steps did your team take to build a team culture of creativity and why?

What practice for building creativity would you like to try on your next healthcare team, and why?

Consider tools that support team creativity, including the various types of brainstorming, the nominal group technique, and scenario planning. Answer the following questions about a time when you served on a healthcare team

What tools did your team use to support creativity, and what was the result?

What tools would you like to try on your next healthcare team, and why?

Table 10-1 :

” Steps to Build a Team Culture of Creativity ”

-Specify realistic creativity as a team goal
Creativity is not easy to achieve

Creative ideas need to be realistic

-Select for and encourage diversity
Appoint members with diverse perspectives and creative styles

In permanent teams, strive for moderate levels of turnover

Slow down socialization of new members
-Build support for creativity in team activities and processes
Build participation as a team norm Exhibit a positive attitude toward problem solving

Say “yes, and…” rather than “yes, but…”

Review and reflect on processes
Study best practices Find positive deviants
-Challenge the team
Publicize high­performance standards Prepare members to expect that ideas often will not be used or implemented
-Stop working
Balance exploitation, critical thinking, and convergent thinking with their opposites Use humor and fun Employ formal tools for building creativity




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